Category Archives: Animals

Have you ever asked yourself why God created animals – so many of them with such variety? 

by—– Pat Gunther

Clearly God loves animals.  He filled the Garden of Eden with them, preserved them during the Flood and expressed concern about the cattle of Nineveh at the end of the book of Jonah.  He even makes the surprising statement in Proverbs 12:10 that righteousness includes treating our animals well.  Someone’s true heart can be seen by the way s/he treats an animal – if they abuse an animal they likely will do so to people.  

God undoubtedly created animals to be lessons for us.  

  • ants – diligence and the work ethic  (Proverbs 6:6-8)  

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider it’s ways and be wise!

It has no commander, yet it stores it’s provisions in summer and gathers it’s food at harvest.” 

“Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise; (Proverbs 30: 26)

Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer;  Badgers are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags;  locusts have no king, yet they  advance together in ranks; a lizard can be caught with the hand yet it is found in kings’ palaces.”

  • deer – sure footedness, strength and trust – (Habakkuk 3:19)

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.”

  • doves – gentleness  & innocence/ shrewd snakes (Matthew 10:16)

“ I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.  Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

  • eagle – confidence/strength in the face of difficulties (Isaiah 40:31)

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”

  • how eagles face a storm, spread their wings and use the wild strong winds to lift them up above the stormy clouds into the light beyond.
  • hen – safety (Matthew 23:37)

“Jerusalem. . .how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.”

  • horse – obedience (Psalm 32:9)

“Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.”

  • lion – courage (Proverbs 30: 30)

“A lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing.”

  • raven – faith (Luke 12:24)

“Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!”

  • sheep – discipleship (John 10:4)

“The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to His voice.  He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out.  When He has brought out all His own, He goes on ahead of them and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice.”

  • sparrow – trust (Psalm 84:3)

“Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young – a place near your alter.”

In our Old Testament lesson we are reminded of a very large animal used by God to teach us as well as Jonah an important lesson. 

Jonah tried to do things his own way because he didn’t want to do what God was asking of him.  He was to preach God’s judgment to Nineveh whereas the other prophets were prophesying the judgment of God to Israel and Judah.  

Jonah believed the Ninevites, who were known for their cruelty, were not deserving of God’s mercy so he ran away.  But God isn’t selective in telling people of His love and neither should we be. 

So the whale came along and changed Jonah’s timing and plans.  The whale was used by God to teach Jonah an extremely important lesson – that of trusting and obeying God right away and in the first place.  

Going from the very large to the very small, a caterpillar eats, spins a cocoon, when the time is right, it emerges through a tiny opening as it  struggles to get free of the chrysalis, finally emerging – then lets it’s  wings dry and then flies off.  

There is a story about a young girl who found a chrysalis under a leave.  She checked on it everyday until one day she noticed it was moving and there was no wind so she was pretty sure the butterfly was getting ready to come out.  But it seemed to be taking a long time and maybe having trouble, so she found some safety scissors and carefully cut some of the chrysalis to help it escape to freedom.  

To her horror, the butterfly emerged but it’s body was too big and the wings too small.  It looked unlike any butterfly she’d ever seen and soon it dropped to the ground.  It couldn’t fly so it didn’t survive.  

When a butterfly struggles to get through the opening in the cocoon,  as it pushes out of the protective wrappings, the fluids get redistributed from the body to the wings.  The struggle to free itself is what the butterfly has to go through to be transformed into a beautiful creature, able to be airborne and free.

The butterfly has many lessons to teach us but in this example, we need struggles to grow our character.  We learn and grow most from failures, disappointments and tough times.  We also need to trust God and obey Him as Jonah also learned from the whale. 

We need to wait on the Lord, though it’s not always easy, accepting His timing and not try to do things our way or too quickly just because He’s not moving fast enough for us.  Like the little girl, with all good intentions, tried to hurry the butterfly along – many times our interference in God’s plans will backfire.

Things often will work out but we might not receive the blessings along the way that we would have if we’d only trusted God’s timing. 

Often we are in such a rush that we miss a beautiful sunset, a lovely birdsong, the laughter of a child, the smile of a neighbor.  

The song “My Way” surely is this present world’s song right now and should never be a Believer’s song.  The following poem sums it up only too well:

‘As children bring their broken toys
With tears for me to mend,
It brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried
“How can you be so slow?”
“My child,” He said,
 “What could I do?
-----You never did let go.”

- author unknown

So let us trust God, His timing and His plans for our lives and those whose lives we touch.  

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”


You have created such a variety of animals and filled our world with them.  Some we don’t find very pretty or friendly but there are so many that take our breath away.  And with all of them you have used your creativity and attention to detail.  Then to have them able to teach us lessons, mentioning them specifically in the Bible – what a good and gracious God you are.  Thank you that the animals teach us to trust You – and to wait for Your timing to accomplish Your plan for our lives no matter what kind of struggles we have to go through because You are there with us all the time, all the way.

—by Pat Gunther – used with permission 

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dog guarding infant


The article below came through on facebook and I deem it necessary to post here. I wish to make known the opinion of an experienced veterinarian.  Remember we are in a battle between good and evil and that battle can extend to animals. The article herein WILL ANIMALS BE JUDGED BY GOD is scripturally enlightening to be sure, and this veterinarian’s article is actually hands-on enlightening regarding how dogs can get caught in that battle. I do hope you will give it due consideration.

dog bigcat siamese


Caution should be extended also to cats in a home with babies. Cats and babies are seldom a good mix for several reasons. Litter boxes, face scratching, cat scratch fever and reported smothering are some of the primary ones.

With babies, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure and we know that babies are worth far more than animals. There is no doubt that dogs can be good guardians for children; but babies are not yet children. Knowledge of this fact is essential and caution should be primary.

Please see what this veterinarian has to say:   Thanks for reading   dog blinking hounddog


dogwaggingtailUNDERSTANDING DOGS – AND – A DOG’S UNDERSTANDING  –  —  by Mary A. LaClair

Barbershops and beauty parlors can be a wealth of miscellaneous information. The thing my friend and I learned there recently was quite profound. But it wasn’t about hair or beauty treatments. It was about dogs being able to relate to death. I heard a long time ago that service dogs should not be taken into a funeral parlor. Having no reason to question it at the time I dispatched the idea.

However, more recently I learned something else, something which others have said they knew, but which I found quite profound. Here is the story as I witnessed it.

A lady’s husband had died a few day earlier was getting her hair done before calling hours. Being close to her, I drove her there and stayed with her, so I know this is true.

dog blinking hounddogFriend: “My husband was killed in an accident on Sunday, today is Tuesday and I think his dog is feeling remorse. I don’t know how to help him.”

Hairdresser: “He may not understand why he is being abandoned. He may be feeling rejection and does not understand why. Do you have any of the clothes your husband was wearing when he died? If so, take some of those clothes and put them in front of the dog. Animals, especially dogs, do understand death, and are able to smell it. If you put those clothes in front of him he will smell his master, and he will smell death, he will relate it and then he will understand. He will understand that he has not been abandoned. Dogs understand death.”

It sounded like good advice to us.

We took our friend home, and together we did just that. We took the shirt and jeans the husband was wearing when he was killed in the accident and laid those clothes on the kitchen floor. They reeked of engine fluids so we both had our doubts. But the man’s faithful canine companion came to them and laid his head on those clothes. For about forty-five minutes he still lay there quiet as can be. Then he got up and went into the living room. There, he lay on the floor by the man’s favorite chair. He slept here for several hours. He never returned to the clothes which had been left on the kitchen floor for the rest of the day. He understood.

The clothes were then buried on the farm under the grape vine the husband had been trimming the day before the accident. The dog understands death. He knows his master has not abandoned him. He did stop at that grape vine several days later, and stood stock still, almost as if in remembrance and honor.dogs_shetland_sheepdog classroom clip art

In a day or two the dog’s appetite returned. He understood, he grieved, he recovered.

I am completely awestruck at the sensitive smell and understanding which He has given dogs.

My friend is doing well, thank you and so is the dog. I understand that it took more than a week or two for her appetite to return, but with God’s help and the good friends He provides, she is doing well and thankful to know that her husband was friends with Jesus on earth; and she knows that he is becoming even better friends with Him in Heaven. That is a cause to be happy.

dog-dalmatian-puppyDoes God care for his animals? Yes, more than we may think! He cares for their emotional health, just as he does ours. They are His creation and He loves them as such.

I believe we will answer for how we treat our animals; and I believe animals will answer to God particularly if any become man-killers. For Scriptural basis on these thoughts, please visit other articles in the animal category in the archives at this site, for example you may wish to read the article DO DOGS GO TO HEAVEN? or go to: and look for the topic on ANIMALS.   dogs wagging tails in heaven

Thank you for reading, and may you be blessed with a healthy relationship with your dogs and other pets, and may you be even more blessed with an even healthier relationship with God, through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.

Some readers may also wish to visit for the article: “Are We All Children of God?”, if your dog is in heaven, you will want to be sure of being there yourself. Check it out. Another interesting article called: TREES TALK, CRY AND SING. Has your interest been sparked on that one? Check it out, you’ll be surprised and educated all at once.

  • “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, the wonders He has prepared for those who love Him”            1 Cor. 2:9
  • “If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.” John 14:15 (Amp.)

1 Corinthians 2:9 (CEV) | :

But it is just as the Scriptures say,

“What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen  or ears have heard. It has never even    entered our minds!”

 1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJ21) :

But as it is written: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”

John 14:15 (ASV)

15 If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments.

John 14:15 (AMP)

15 If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands. dogwaggingtail



–  Mary A. LaClair

I’ve gotten so much activity on my DO DOGS GO TO HEAVEN article that I decided to see what others had posted on the same topic. Some think animals will not come before the judgment seat of Christ and therefore will not, or could not, pass into heaven, being without Christ.

I intend to dispel that theory by using Scripture itself, this time in Genesis chapter nine. Other Scripture references have already been noted in the article DO DOGS GO TO HEAVEN, which may be found by clicking this link.

I’ve read Scripture for over thirty years and the full impact of Genesis 9:1-17 seemed to elude me all those years; however, when reading these verses in the past I wasn’t concerned about connecting animals with Heaven. Now I see what I missed before.  

We all are probably so familiar with the Genesis account of the rainbow that we think we know what’s there. As a result, we skim it so quickly that we miss the rest, even when it’s not hidden. Could it be because we don’t really want to see more than just what applies to us as humans? I’ve had another one of those times when ‘the lights come on’, and I’d like to share that moment with you. Here is the Genesis account of the rainbow. If we read it with animals in mind, new things necessarily come to light. The emphasis within and following are mine.

Gen 9:1-17

9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.

6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.

7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”

8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you–the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you–every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring  clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”  (from New International Version)*       

What do you see in verses 5; 9-10; 12; 15; 17 concerning animals?

In verse five, does it not say that He will require a reckoning of every animal as well as man, if they kill a man?

In verses 9-10 and 17 does it not say that He establishes His covenant with every living creature – not just man – and in verse 5 that He will demand an accounting from every animal for the lifeblood of a human?  Will animals such animals  face judgment? We are told here, that, yes, they will. What do these verses say about animals as well as man? It would seem we are all in this together and that God has covenant even with the animals and all living creatures of every kind on earth.

For those people who have thought that animals have no need for Jesus Christ and therefore won’t be in heaven because only those with Christ will enter: animals will be judged; and animals DO praise God, and therefore WILL be there:

“Even the wild animals will honor me: jackels and ostriches will praise me when I make rivers flow in the desert to give water to my chosen people.”  Isaiah 43:20 NLT

What have you learned about animals from these verses?   

For more information on this topic see the article DO DOGS GO TO HEAVEN as listed in the right column.  Also see: WILL MY HORSE BE IN HEAVEN?

Added more recently on this site is link to an article from a British Veterinarian about not trusting dogs or pets with babies/children, we think it is worth the read and it may be found herein titled GOOD DOGS GONE BAD.

The article on KILLING MICE IN MOUSETRAPS   might also be of interest as it establishes a balance and should be of interest as it relates to verse 2 of chapter 9 of Genesis, as seen above.  

As an aside: while the verses about the rainbow are before us, let’s briefly reflect on it also:  When I used to see a rainbow, I thought that God was reminding us that He wouldn’t again destroy the whole earth by flood. This could lead to complacency.

Now, however, when I see a rainbow I think that God is getting fed up with mankind so  that He tells us He is reminding Himself. And this should stir us out of complacency and move within us a desire not to anger a righteous God. I think that the Christmas tsunami in Thailand (2004); Katrina Hurricane in New Orleans immediately followed by Rita only weeks later (2005); the earthquake and great tsunami in Japan (2011); Hurricane Irene in NE-US (2011); and SuperStorm Sandy in NE-US (2012) immediately followed by a snowstorm before power was restored, are evidence that God is losing patience with mankind, and destroying part of the world by water; but, that He is reminding Himself that He said that He wouldn’t ever do it again to the whole world as before. See article JAPAN – A WARNING at this link.

I see much food for thought here, for both God’s love for man, in that He judges even animals who would harm us – and His anger with mankind for disregarding His rules, to the point that He toys with the idea of total destruction again, rather than put up with us.   

Let us try to get on His love side – and stay there!

Romans 8:19-22

19” For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. 20 Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, 21 the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.   22 For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”    New Living Translation  emphasis mine.

P.S.  I’d like to refer readers to another site about dogs and animals in heaven – a lovely story in Guidepost’s Angels on Earth magazine on-line – it i a warm story, and the comments from their readers which follow their article are most interesting.



1400 words:   –                                     by — Mary A. LaClair -www.

Will my horse be in heaven?

I’ve heard numerous people say animals don’t have a spirit and therefore can not go to heaven.  Let’s put that statement to a final rest, since we will see in this article that there is a Bible passage which admits that animals do have a spirit. If you have a horse, you know that they can sense your spirit. They know when a person has a spirit of fear and they know a gentle non-fearful spirit.

We are told in Scriptures, in the New Testament book of Titus, chapter three verse nine to “avoid foolish questions” (KJV)  The Living Bible puts it more directly:  “do not get involved in arguing over unanswerable questions and controversial theological ideas.” (TLB)

I don’t think asking whether horses or dogs go to heaven is a foolish question for anyone who asks, nor is it to me; nor do I believe it is unanswerable from Scriptures.

That settled, let’s proceed to further discover these Scriptures.

The writer of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, asked this question thousands of years ago and his pondering of old gives clues for today’s positive answer.

He asked about the hereafter as it regards animals and people thousands of years ago.

Eccl 3:21

“Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth?” RSV  (emphasis mine)  Here he admits that the beast has a spirit.

Eccl 12:7

“Then shall dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”  NKJV   (humans for judgment at the judgment seat of Christ)

In addition, the Prophet Isaiah, in both chapter sixty-five and chapter eleven, seen below, each describe the new heaven and the new earth: he who dies at 100 will be considered a mere youth.

Isa 65:20

” …he who dies at a hundred

will be thought a mere youth;

he who fails to reach a hundred

will be considered accursed.”     (from New International Version)

Isa 11:6-9

6 “The wolf will live with the lamb,

the leopard will lie down with the goat,                      

the calf and the lion and the yearling together;

and a little child will lead them.

7 The cow will feed with the bear,

their young will lie down together,

and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

8 The infant will play near the hole of the cobra,

and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest.

9 They will neither harm nor destroy

on all my holy mountain,                                               

for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD

as the waters cover the sea.”      (from New International Version) 

This obviously does not apply to this world; but it does apply to the next world and it tells us that animals will be at peace there.  To me, all this confirms that there are animals in heaven and that they are well.

Horses from heaven came to the prophet Elisha: 

2 Kings 6:12-17

12 “None of us, my lord the king ,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” 14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.  (New International Version)

Even Revelation mentions riders on horses coming from heaven. There are horses in heaven and animals in the new world.

It is Revelation chapter six which mentions the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It makes interesting reading. It gives the picture that there are definitely horses in Heaven.

In the Old Testament the Prophet Zechariah opens his book with a vision of Heavenly beings on horses, red horses, sorrel horses and white horses.

Zechariah 1:7-10  “7 On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month which is the month of Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechari’ah the son of Berechi’ah, son of Iddo, the prophet; and Zechari’ah said, 8 “I saw in the night, and behold, a man riding upon a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in the glen; and behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses. 9 Then I said, ‘What are these, my lord?’ The angel who talked with me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are.’ 10 So the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered, ‘These are they whom the LORD has sent to patrol the earth.’”  Revised Standard Version

 In addition I pose two more theories:

First, there will be trees and rivers in Heaven, and many jewels form the foundations and Heaven’s gates are made of pearls.  Do non living jewels have spirits or a soul?  Does water?  Yet, Scripture tells us these things are in Heaven. Scripture also tells us trees will talk and sing. Hallelujah!!  That’s found in Isaiah 55:12.

Second, most animals are more in tune with the spirit world than a lot of people. In this life a dog can sense evil intent in man. A horse can sense the spirit of fear. Not all people like cats because they think some are ‘too spooky’.  Do animals know God?   What about the serpent in the Garden? What about Balaam’s donkey?  Animals grieve; they empathize with their owners when they are sad or when they are hurt; untrained animals often rescue their owners or other individuals.

Some suggested reading besides the Bible as outlined above, would be:

*Author Kim Meeder, who runs a horse rescue ranch, has written several non-fiction books of her experiences which prove that horses can understand the spirit of man, well -children in her books. Some of her horse books are HOPE RISING; A BRIDGE CALLED HOPE and FAITH TALKS

*Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician at the Steere House Nursing and Rehab Centre in Providence, Rhode Island published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 about OSCAR THE CAT.” He finally published the non-fiction book by the same name. It is about Oscar the cat who predicted which patients were going to die and when and did so with more accuracy than experienced nurses.  His article may be found on line. His book may be found or ordered most anywhere.

*Book: Heaven Is For Real – an International Best Seller contains revelations from a four year old child who died, went to Heaven and came back tells of seeing Jesus’ horse, his Great-Grandfather’s dog and a sister who died in-utero before he himself was born.

Some animals today are even more obedient through instinct, than mankind is through intelligence! If you make it to heaven, I feel sure your horse will be there to meet you when your times comes. In the meantime, be consoled your horse is probably romping the fields of heaven with other horses, where he would be young in good health.

Our horses and other pets who have been more loyal and obedient to the voice of the Lord in the here and now, and more loving to others in this world than possibly we have been ourselves, do have a place in the more perfect world to come.   Scripture tells us so. 

My opinions on this topic however do not extend to rodents; for which please see the article on disobedient mice who enter our homes and resulting necessary mouse traps. (At the sidebar from the top, scroll down to ‘categories’ and click on “killing mice in mousetraps”. )

Third, the Scripture found in the Old Testament confirms itself in the New Testament.  The Old Testament tells us the trees cry (Zech 11:2); trees will clap their hands, the rivers and hills will rejoice (Is 55:12); Joshua’s rock was a witness because it heard (Josh 24:27); and Scripture in the New Testament confirms this by telling us:

Rom 8:18-22

“19 For all creation is waiting patiently and hopefully for that future day when God will resurrect his children (those humans which have been saved by Grace). 20 For on that day thorns and thistles, sin, death, and decay –the things that overcame the world against its will at God’s command-will all disappear, 21 and the world around us will share in the glorious freedom from sin which God’s children (humans saved by Grace) enjoy.  22 For we know that even the things of nature, like animals and plants, suffer in sickness and death as they await this great event.” TLB (emphasis mine)

With access to the Amplified Version of the Bible, one will find this statement reinforced as it regards the balance of creation. ( These statements confirm that God has a special place for all His creation; moreover He makes humans the vanguard of all that He created.

‘Study to show thyself approved, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ (2 Tim. 2:15)  Do horses go to heaven?  I believe the above study shows us that we will see in heaven those horses who were faithful to us here on earth. If you are afraid of horses here on earth, please be assured that only peaceful horses will be there, for in Heaven, all are at peace!

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, the wonders HE has prepared for those who love Him!” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

(clip art courtesy of ClassroomClipArt)

“…Multiply, Subdue The Earth, and Have Dominion”


– Mary A. LaClair                                                    

The History Channel, I love the History Channel.  The other day they had a program dealing with large landowners in England. Did you know that they are required by law to do population control on rabbits as a part of managing their estates?

Here in America we are required to meet some rigid building codes, so, I was all right with pest control in England; it was interesting watching the ferrets at work helping to keep a balance in nature.

We should always remember that the Bubonic Plague, which killed literally thousands upon thousands of humans in Eastern Europe, was due to overpopulation of rats which carried infected fleas, which in turn gave the bite of death to thousands of people.

Population control in rodents and animals is necessary. This is why God has told us to have dominion over the animals of the earth:

Gen 1:28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”   KJV  (emphasis mine)

Using ferrets, farmers are able to save much of man’s food supply and vegetable crops from being totally destroyed through an over population of rabbits. This is the meaning of the old term ‘to ferret out’.

While we might not ferret out rabbits, population control of pests is still necessary, especially of those kinds that invade our homes and gardens. It is said that for every one rat or mouse that we see, there are ten that we don’t see. I think everyone should be concerned with this. I do not feel transporting them elsewhere fulfills the “subdue the earth” mandate but instead permits them to multiply and then return in unseen dangerous hordes to man’s territory because of dwindling natural food supply for their large numbers, or even to move in on vacant buildings and city slums to spread disease.

Rodents had been getting into our attic, and spending the winter there, damaging storage items through gnawing and chewing; even removing insulation to make nests. Dangerous side effects are that feces and corpses turn into airborne dust; and, if they chew insulation from wires it creates a fire hazard. Even in the basement, plants wintering there were rootless in the spring, having become food for wandering rodents too lazy to dig winter burrows outside as they should, eating the roots of wild plants and weeds.

Animals do have instinct which could be described as the voice of God to animals. Birds hear it and know when to fly south in winter, and when to fly back north for breeding season. Bears and turtles hear it and know just when to hibernate. I think that they listen to God better than man does sometimes. Wild animals have a natural fear of man, I’m sure they are told not to go near man’s habitation; but, just like mankind, there are animals that disobey. A peaceful Utopia will come in its time; but not in this age!

Genesis 9:2 “The fear of you (speaking of mankind) and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every bird of the air, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.” 

Until then, squirrels, chipmunks and mice that disobey, by forfeiting their natural habitat for that of man’s, will not have dominion over me and my household. To let errant rodents live with me destroying my goods and my house is to give them dominion over man. That’s not going to happen at my house.

Some women prefer to use poison bait; they don’t have to look at dead bodies that way, and I wonder, who are they fooling but themselves? Creatures feeding on carrion then risk becoming ill from residual poison, and it could affect the chain of nature.  I think it is selfish and self deceptive that people would rather something suffer days from the effects of poison rather than have them not know what hit them just because they may wish to deny killing something and having to bury it. When a corpse is not buried, it remains to smell up a house for weeks, or to putrefy outside further creating and spread air-borne disease.  Dead things need to be buried for health reasons. That is why I believe that a body trap is best.

I was setting a mousetrap when one of the grandchildren popped in. “What’cha doin’ G-Ma?” they ask.

“Well, I’m setting a trap for naughty rodents scurrying around in the attic.”

“You’re killing some of God’s creatures?”                                          

“Yes, but just the disobedient ones.”

“The death penalty for one act of disobedience?”

Could she be getting worried about some of her own single acts of disobedience?

“They carry disease and are a pest when they interfere with man’s place on earth, and it’s not just one act of disobedience, it’s a lifestyle when they stay in my house and start destroying things inside, and crops outside.”

” Take a lesson, don’t get used to a lifestyle of sin, children. Take a lesson from the animals. Hear and obey God. Stay on the straight and narrow, and if you wander, get back quickly to the right path where you belong.”

They probably thought they were getting a lecture; I thought they got an educated, unabridged answer to their question.  I continue:

“In the meantime, I will obey and have dominion over my little corner of the earth and subdue it; even if it means trapping naughty mice, squirrels and wayward chippys; they are not really human, regardless of what popular movies and cartoons may lead children, and some adults, to think. I will not let wayward creatures subdue me, for that is not the way. God tells us to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and have dominion over the creature. Right now, I only take dominion over aggressive ones who invade my territory. Animals do the same thing.”                                                                          

“Umm, my Daddy uses peanut butter.”

Mouse Clipart

(clip art courtesy of ClassRoomClipArt)

P.S.  Attending a gathering where a Bee-Keeper gave a presentation on his hobby, I learned that a bee may sting another insect and live; but if a honey bee stings a mammal even once, the bee dies.

I guess God believes in the death penalty, too; well, He instituted it after all if we stop to think about it.  See article ANIMALS WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD.

Genesis 9:5 “For your lifeblood I will surely require a reckoning; of every beast I will require it and of man; of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image.”




–         M.A. LaClair

Do dogs go to heaven?

We are told in Titus 3:9 to avoid stupid controversies (RSV) and to not get involved in arguing over unanswerable questions and controversial theological ideas (The Living Bible)

First let me say that I don’t think asking whether dogs go to heaven is a stupid question, nor do I believe it is unanswerable from Scripture. The writer of Ecclesiastes asked this question thousands of years ago. His pondering of old gives us clues for our positive answer today.

I’ve heard numerous people, and some denominations, say animals don’t have a spirit and therefore cannot go to heaven.  Let’s put that statement to rest once and for all.

Eccl 3:21 “Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth?” RSV

This is saying that the beasts (animals) do indeed have a spirit.

Eccl 12:7 “Then shall dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”  NKJV

emphasis mine. This is not saying all will live in Heaven, but all will return for judgment

Chapter eleven and chapter sixty-five of the Prophet Isaiah each describe the new heaven and the new earth: he who dies at 100 will be considered a mere youth; the wolf and the lamb will feed together and the lion will eat straw like an ox. We don’t see that in this world, so it relates to the next.  Animals will be there who will neither harm nor destroy.

Revelation mentions riders on horses coming from heaven. There are horses in heaven and animals in the new world. To me, all this confirms that there are animals at peace in heaven. Don’t worry, there will be no threatening dogs, only peaceful ones, just as the lion will be.

In addition I pose two more theories:

First, there will be trees and rivers in Heaven, and many jewels form the foundations, and Heaven’s gates are made of pearls.  Do non living jewels have spirits or a soul?  Does water?  Yet, Scripture tells us these things are in Heaven. We will see further on in this article that Scripture also tells us trees will talk and sing.

Second, most animals are more in tune with the spirit world than a lot of men. In this life a dog can sense evil intent in man. A horse can sense the spirit of fear. Not all people like cats because they think some of them are spooky.

Do animals know God?   What about the serpent in the Garden? What about Balaam’s donkey who saw an angel?*  Today, some animals are more obedient through instinct than mankind is through intelligence!

About the future, Scripture says:

Isa 11:6   “…   the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. (NIV)

Yes, there will be animals at peace in heaven.

Our dogs and other pets who have been more loyal and obedient to the voice of the Lord in the here and now, and more loving to others in this world than possibly we ourselves have been, do have a place in the more perfect world to come. Scripture reveals it.

Third, the Scripture found in the Old Testament confirms itself in the New Testament.

Rom 8:18-22:

“For all creation is waiting patiently and hopefully for that future day when God will resurrect his children (those humans which have been saved by Grace). 20 For on that day thorns and thistles, sin, death, and decay –the things that overcame the world against its will at God’s command-will all disappear, 21 and the world around us will share in the glorious freedom from sin which God’s children ( humans saved by Grace) enjoy.  22 For we know that even the things of nature, like animals and plants, suffer in sickness and death as they await this great event.” TLB  (emphasis mine)

With access to the Amplified Version one will find this statement reinforced as it regards the balance of creation.  These statements confirm that God has a special place for all His creation, moreover He makes humans the vanguard of all that He created.

“Study to show thyself approved, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15)  Do dogs go to heaven?  I believe the above study shows us that we will see in heaven those dogs who were faithful to us here on earth. If you are afraid of dogs here on earth, please be assured that only peaceful dogs will be there, for in Heaven, all are at peace!

I strongly recommend the book HEAVEN IS FOR REAL by Todd Burpo, now an international best seller, where a child who visited Heaven in a near death experience tells of his seeing Jesus and other things in Heaven.   One of the things was his Father’s Grandfather and his dog – etc….

Also *Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician at the Steere House Nursing and Rehab Centre in Providence, Rhode Island publisOscar the...hed an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 about OSCAR THE CAT.” He finally published the non-fiction book by the same name. It is about Oscar the cat who predicted which patients were going to die and when and did so with more accuracy than experienced nurses.  His article may be found on line. His book may be found or ordered most anywhere.

As an aside: The Old Testament tells us the trees cry (Zech 11:2); trees will clap their hands, the rivers and hills will rejoice (Is 55:12); Joshua’s rock was a witness because it heard (Josh 24:27) (Luke 19:40); See the authors article: SCIENCE PROVES THE BIBLE: TREES TALK, CRY AND THEY SING.  

New Testament Scripture does tell us that:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, the wonders HE has prepared for those who love Him! “ (1 Corinthians 2:9)

* Numbers 22:21-28 Balaam’s donkey speaks

P.S.   See additionally the recent post ANIMALS WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD for more assurance, that if you will be in heaven, you will see there with you, your faithful dog (cat) or your faithful horse (etc.)  One may also wish to see on this site: WILL MY HORSE BE IN HEAVEN? which incorporates much of the material herein but which also includes information special to horses.
May I direct you to my article which says it is alright to trap mice in mousetraps – scripture included – ‘we are to have dominion over animals’. This article includes an explanation given to my grand-daughters when they ‘caught me’ setting a mouse trap. It includes their reactions. It contains what many have called ‘delightful learning’.

P.P.S.  I’d like to refer readers to another site about dogs and animals in heaven – a lovely story in Guidepost’s Angels on Earth magazine on-line – it is a warm story, and the comments from their readers which follow their article are most interesting.

P.P.P.S.  I now recommend the author Gary Kurz and his book on animals and heaven.  I’ve just reviewed his  COLD NOSES AT THE PEARLY GATES. and would suggest it to you.     I’m sure this book may be found on Amazon. Happy continued reading.  / M.L.